Monday, November 28, 2011

My Mom On Facebook

Thanks to Lemuel Craft

My mom uses our satellite internet company to get on Facebook almost every night. Both of my parents have gotten Facebook recently and they are still trying to understand the site. I gave in and accepted both of their friends requests and now my mom is on it all the time. I would not mind so much, if she did not decide to read every single thing to me whenever she gets on.She goes through the news feed and reads almost every single update and it drives me insane! I know I should be more patient with her, but sometimes I cannot help it. I think I know everything about every person in our town now. What is worse is that when I finally get her to sign off so I get a chance, she wants me to read all of my Facebook updates to her too. It is so ridiculous since she does not even know any of my friends. The times when I have read it to her, I have to spend so much time explaining who says things that it is double the waste of time.